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Showing posts from September, 2022

[SQL] Navision error user ID can't change

 Navision can get an error with a user ID message.  Then you need to check Navision SQL.  In Navision SQL, the user ID should have master DB access but if you don't have it. then use the below SQL code. USE master EXEC sp_change_users_login 'AUTO_FIX' , 'user ID' example )  USE   master EXEC sp_change_users_login 'AUTO_FIX' , 'T189943' result  row for user 'XXXX' will be fixed by updating its login link to an existing login. The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was 1. The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was 0. The user's DB access will be fixed. And the user ID is updated. If you see the result with 0 to select then your Navision DB might need to check this also.  Check your SQL in Security-Logins, ensure the user ID is there, and check Property to have this "User Mapping" for the Database. It needs your master DB and Navision DB.  After you see the password ...

[Laptop] acer laptop boot takes long time to start. Or stuck in recovery prepare mode

 I upgraded our Acer laptop from Windows 7 to 10. It was successfully installed but during the windows update it has been stuck so I force it to restart and got the blue screen. After that this Acer laptop got very slow and I found it has an HDD drive issue. It was not a physical HDD drive issue. It was related to Acer BIOS. So I changed Acer BIOS from UEFI mode to Legacy Boot mode. Restart the computer and got no boot disc error then I change back to UEFI mode to reboot.  After that BIOS detects HDD and Windows detects HDD again. after that I re-install Windows and it works. 

[Windows 10] Fix Can't Select Windows 10 edition During Installation

I had an Acer laptop to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro edition. But there is no option to select Windows 10 Pro. So you have to make a bootable USB and add a file.  open the note pad and type below.  [EditionID] Professional [Channel] Retail And save as "ei.cfg" with " mark and save as type All Files(*.*)  File location is your USB's sources folder.  And boot with this usb and you will see Windows 10 pro option.