Below command has been tested with ISR4331 devices.
1. check Cisco device file size command :
a. show current folder
dir flash:
b. show all folder and files
dir flash
2. check file only start with "cdr."
dir flash:cdr.*
3. Remove file (Add option [/recursive /force] when you delete file is not recovering free space)
delete /recursive /force flash:cdr.*
4. check subfolder file
dir flash:\tracelogs
5. example for log back to ftp
conf t
gw-accounting file
primary ftp username cisco password xxxxx
secondary sftp username cisco password xxxxx
acct-template callhistory-detail
maximum buffer-size 30
maximum retry-count 3
(note : if these setting is not working. check these area, FTP password can not be used @ and some of special characters for this command. Second, ftp location is case sensitive. Please check your upper and lower case of location when you see the permission error. you can test FTP connection by copy running-config ftp command. See the below area for this.)
secondary is optional command for when primary is fail.
If you didn't input this, "secondary ifs flash:cdr." is default. And it will save flash local file and file is start with cdr. mean is ftp server is and folder name is cisco. save the file start with cdr
"cdr-format compact" is another option to see categories will be compact.
default setting
maximum fileclose-timer 1440 (60-1440)
maximum cdrflush-timer 60
file close-timer need to 5 mins higher than cdrflush-timer.
after setup, we need to run below command to close current log file and reset save location.
file-acct flush with-close
file-acct reset
copy running -config to FTP location command example
copy running-config ftp
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [midway-4331-confg]? cisco/runningconfig.txt
Writing cisco/runningconfig.txt !
66017 bytes copied in 0.555 secs (118950 bytes/sec)
check changed configuration start with gw-accounting file command
show run | begin gw-accounting file
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